Monday, May 28, 2012

Flipping Bloom's Taxonomy

Recently I've written about twitter, student engagement, wordle and prezi (among other things) and now MrsPotts thinks it's time for a little reflection on how the challenges-to-myself are going!
First up it's Twitter.. haven't got to that (yet!)  but I've been thinking that this really could be a great way to connect with our parents and to keep them informed about what's happening in the library and beyond. How this happens in reality is open for discussion and suggestions welcomed...
Some Yr 3 & 4 Kids came into the library to make a Wordle about dinosaurs which they'd been reading about. They had fun trying out all of the different styles and were very pleased with themselves at the finished products.
Am pleased to report that "Prezi" is taking off!  I love it when I show kids and teachers something new which I think is interesting/cool and they give it a go.
And to conclude for today, Bloom's taxonomy flipped... I like! check it out here
I have no idea who Shelly Wright is (or her credentials for that matter) but I like the fact that she's given me something new to think about. Flipping classrooms... mmm let the games begin!
Ciao from MrsPotts

Friday, May 25, 2012

Some more new tools to play with

In the US it's coming up to end of the school year and subsequently 'reflecting on the end of the year' is a theme in lots of the articles I follow. The one I'm going to post today talks about "The power of these Web 2.0 tools to support new and even veteran teachers in reflecting on the school year -- and having fun doing it -- is a true 21st century gift"   MrsPotts and gifts!!  there are also some new web2 tools I've never heard of to play with! penzu.... capzies... who comes up with these names. Have a great weekend my friends

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Twitter anyone?

I saw an article the other day by someone in the media who said that Twitter was really annoying and no use whatsoever. I'm not sure, so thought I'd give it a go. My daughter the blogger showed me how she uses twitter effectively last night. I'd used google to find the cheapest price for a grocery item for her, which was not that easy to do as it turned out.  It's ok mum I've put it out on twitter she informed me casually. Done! I'm off to Farro this evening to pick up the afore-mentioned items!
So today when I saw Senga's blogpost |   about these cool recordable pegs I thought I'd sign on to my long-lost twitter account and share!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

National Library... awesome resource

National library is a wondeful resource and this is a great time to remind myself to take some time to check out the digital resources. This link for starters...