Saturday, February 27, 2016

Open For Business

It's nearly March and I'm just about ready to open the (dahdah!)Viscount Super Library Learning & Information Centre for 2016. That's quite late I hear you thinking, and that could be so. Except for the fact that #GoodThingsTakeTime, and this year I haven't rushed to get open by the end of Wk1 (and so feel by the end of the year I've never caught up with myself).

I've taken my time and really thought about what sort of library we have, and how that can be managed and promoted and used highly effectively by all the users. Here's the thing ...without having a Library Tech/ teacher aide. Just Me. And Richard...who's not a Library tech or a teacher aide but is all of those things - thank goodness. There's had to be a change of thinking around managing this space. Some things have gone. Some shelves and the Secret Book Club, but more about that another time.  I've also thought a lot about the actual space we have, and how 2016 really is the year we'll finally be getting new furniture.

There are other changes to tell you about. The pink wall in the new "Picture Book Room" (why had I never thought of that before?) mixing up the shelving, genrefying the non-fiction section and so on. But. Finishing stocktake was first on the list. Suffice to say, I've given 'them' a number for the number of books we have, and I culled a lot (think ruthless) and chucked out anything that was drawn on or ripped. 

I'm pleased to report that it was a fairly straightforward exercise using our newish LMS 
Concord Infiniti  to complete the s/t for the first time. 

This week we're Open For Business. I've made a google doc for the teachers with all of the elements (just like on MKR!) pertaining to Their Library . Think a base of info lit, literacy in general, a pinch of makerspace, toss in digital story-telling, a few music lessons and a dose of book promotion to make our crazy cake which is aforementioned VSLL&IC!
We still have a flexible timetable, but this year my goal is that more teachers will take up What Our Library has to offer.
 I'll keep you posted and put up a picture of the pink wall. It's gorgeous.