Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Any excuse to wear a red velvet coat

Hello folks …another great day in library-land, in fact especially good today. There was the great discovery! Yesss. All that, and the Olympic Games on the IWB all day! 
Of course, in true MrsPotts fashion I was supposed to be finishing something else at the time but I’m pleased to say that my SLANZA (www.slanza.co.nz] Collected mag article on Ross Todd will hit the streets on time too!
I was checking out twitter and after phoning my daughter to check protocol on re-tweeting (as you do!) I came across this 10 Ways Librarians Can be a Marketing Genius Like Lady Gaga  
this super-duper slideshare from Gwyneth Jones @gwynethjones aka The Daring Librarian.

I have a horrible feeling that I missed her session at the ISTE conference Arrgh!  But, she shares her stuff and I like what she says very much.  This is so clever and I realized when I went through Gwyneth’s list that I was really good at some on the list, OK at others and useless at some too. 

Although I know that our library is a pretty cool place for teachers and students, I now have some new ideas for continued improvement of services/processes; tweaking what’s already happening, as well as “now for something completely different” so that our library continues to develop and change with the times. It goes without saying that I’ll be combining this with ideas from Ross Todd’s EBP (evidence based practice) workshop and I wonder what I’ll be able to say about the even greater learning outcomes that I know we will achieve. I’ll be sharing those in a great big <shout out> somewhere, sometime. Imagine if we all did that!
So thanks for the inspiration today Gwyneth Jones and with Lady Gaga in mind MrsPotts is getting out the red velvet coat to wear and with a spoon in hand will sail into the library with greater purpose tomorrow. There might even be a photo! 


  1. Cheers for the kind mention! Bring your inner rock star we can't let our profession die because we're too humble to share our passion & practice!
    ~Gwyneth Jones
    The Daring Librarian

    1. Great you got your article written. I drafted mine yesterday but was in Wellington today meeting some more fantastic people in school libraries!! Clare at Raroa Intermediate (check out their library website) and Carolyn at Amesbury.! My goodness there are some fantastic practitioners of school library practice around NZ
