Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ross Todd rocks!

It's not very often that MrsPotts is able to sit still for hours on end listening to one person speak.
Short. Attention. Span. So much so that at conferences I try to sit near the door for a quick get-away if my attention isn't grabbed and held in the first five minutes!   (On reflection it's probably just a bad habit I've developed!)
A-ha! Today was different. I sat and listened to just one person - Dr Ross Todd @RossJTodd - All day.

I'd heard him speak before and he is such a nice man that he even said he remembered meeting me at the IASL conference in 2008 at the University of California at Berkeley, USA: "World Class Learning and Literacy through School Libraries"
He was great then... and was even more interesting today as he spoke about evidence-based practice for school libraries. It was about how libraries impact on student learning and how we can set about gathering evidence (data) and using this evidence for continued development and continuous improvement. There was a model of the school library as a 'dynamic agent of learning' amongst the heaps (yes, heaps!) of slides. He talked about gathering evidence in our schools & posed more than one question for us to consider including; What differences do my school library and its initiatives make to student learning outcomes?

Dr Todd challenged us, questioned us, talked at us and with us (in small groups) and at the end of the day, asked for our specific ideas on our EBP action plans. WHEW! He did not draw breath!
I sat in my seat all day.

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