Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fab Facebook

Well after having such a busy week MrsPotts is in dire need of a sit down with a nice hot cup of tea...  Having read the blogs of other teachers, something that I've noticed is that there's often/sometimes a disclaimer of some sort that says that the views on the blog are that of the writer and have nothing to do with the school/employer. I reckon my boss won't mind if MrsPotts (who's that? he'd say!) wrote something contentious or that she was having a brandy instead of a cuppa!!     but I digress...

I've just checked my Facebook Newsfeed. As well as finding out what my friends & family are up to, I get love getting updates from groups such as Edutopia, Kathy Schrock, edTed, Kleinspiration, Edudemic, ISTE & Powerful Learning Practice to name a few.  
It's great for learning new stuff and getting great ideas! There are all sorts of goodies to be found as more and more organisations and individuals form groups, and more and more people realise the potential of being connected by/with social media.
Today I loved reading about the Connected Educators Book Club. Check it out

There's a MrsPottsPoints fb Group (ask to join if you'd like :-)  which I use like a professional learning group for teachers at my school as well as friends in teaching who are interested in what I do. The idea is to inspire and challenge others to try something new and share thoughts and ideas.

We don't have a Viscount(super!)Library(learning and information centre!) fb page - yet. It's only a matter of time my friends. Big ideas...Small steps.

Nearly the weekend, happy days from MrsPotts.

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